Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Everyone has to have a begininng.....

“Let their be light!”
-You know the big guy

This where it starts. This the point in my life that I have to buckle down and do the one thing that I am moderately good at, and that is writing. I have wasted so many hours of watching tv (don't worry you will always be my first love), sleeping, making good/bad choices with friends, and most of all curing my self-crippling doubt  and low self esteem with a bottle of Capitan.

Side Note: If your wallet is a little light, I would suggest Capitan Morgans retarded red-head step-brother Admiral Nelson! And yes, get use to the side notes because I seem to get off point a lot. Case and point.

So in the spirit of the new year......that starts in 3 months, I have begun this blog to let all the crazy and random thoughts that pop into my mind come out in as much of an artistic forum as I can (and it really beats paying a therapist). I will talk and write about anything, or at least the things that I have some knowledge on. I will talk about me, my friends (don't worry I have code names, hehe), my family, movies, music, celebrity, pop culture, politics, boys (because at the end of the day I am just a girl looking for love), and the occasional inebriated post or two. 

This is for me to speak my voice. To let the masses know who I am and what I am about. This is for me to let the past go and look more towards the present and future. This is for me to be right and wrong. To piss people off and make them laugh. This is for me to curse like a sailor and no one to look down at  me for it.

Side Note: Parents get a little pissed off when you call your best friend a “cunt” in the line for It's a Small World.

This is where I ponder life's questions. Like the quote I put above from the bible (it's the bible right?). I wonder that, if there is a God, you would think he would get a little excited about creating life. I mean this is you defining achievement, pat yourself on the back. Do a little dance, I don't know. That's why I put an exclamation point at the end (it's my blog so my rules!)

To end this I will say that I will try to post everyday, but I am not making any promises (I barely have the energy to brush my teeth every morning). I presume because this blog is still in the infant stages that I will not me bombarded with comments or responses, but for anything to grow you need time and that is what I am going to give it.

I have a facebook --------> http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=101400861&ref=profile
but I will only add you if I know you, or at least send me a message. And don't have them titled “I think you Hotttttttt” because hot is spelled with one “t” and I don't find your third grade texting level attractive.

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